Are you desperate for a decent night of sleep? Insomnia is a common symptom of stress and anxiety but occasionally it occurs on its own with no apparent cause. Either way, it has a huge effect on your quality of life, and your mental and physical health.
Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine is a wonderfully effective treatment for both stress and insomnia. If a person's sleep is disturbed for more than a few nights it creates imbalances within the body, you can end up in a vicious cycle of feeling even more stressed through lack of sleep and so on. These imbalances are present on an energetic level also.
Acupuncture works to restore the body back to a natural pattern, to correct imbalances and to promote deep relaxation in the subconscious. Regular treatments over a period of 4 - 12 weeks are typically advised and have beneficial effects far exceeding better sleep.
If you are struggling to fall asleep or stay asleep and would like some advice on whether a course of acupuncture may help then do not hesitate to give me a call or email.