*Acupuncture Super Point*
Translation: Gushing Spring
Location: 1st point of the kidney channel
Do you struggle to unwind and calm down in the evening? Or perhaps know the misery of insomnia?
YONGQUAN to the rescue! This point is located on the sole of the foot - the connection between the body and the earth. It is no surprise therefore that YONGQUAN has a potent grounding effect.
It can be used to treat a wide range of stress-related conditions such as:
Poor memory
Anger problems
It draws the energy down, away from the head and the mind, towards the soles of the feet. It brings all that nervous energy down, creating a peaceful, grounded state of mind.
YONGQUAN can be used as an acupuncture point or in Tui Na (Chinese Massage) as an acupressure point. You can even get a similar effect from putting the feet in a warm foot bath before bedtime, to stimulate the point.
If you currently need to break the vicious cycle of stress and insomnia why not try this at home - or book in for a deeply relaxing Tui Na massage?