Alternatives to Acupuncture in Chinese Medicine - Moxibustion!
Traditional Chinese Medicine or TCM comprises a range of treatment modalities. Most people are familiar with acupuncture - but what about some of the other options?
Today we look at MOXIBUSTION or 'moxa':
Moxa is a compressed block or stick of herbs (predominantly mugwort) that are burned like an incense stick and held over parts of the body that are sore or diseased.
Why use herbs, is the heat not enough? The particular herbs in moxabustion have special properties of warming, stimulating and penetrating the deeper tissues.
What is it good for? Moxa is used to remove 'cold' and stagnation in the tissues. I mainly use it to treat joint stiffness, joint pains, back pain. It warms up the tissues and improves blood flow.
It is usually an adjunct to acupuncture but it can be used as a full treatment in its own right.
What different types of moxa are there?
Moxa stick - as seen on the photo, used to warm a local area.
Direct moxa - the herb is rolled into a cone and applied directly onto the skin.
Indirect moxa - moxa is placed onto a slice of ginger and then onto the skin to restore yang deficiency.
Moxa with acupuncture - a tiny cube of moxa is placed onto the acupuncture needle creating a synergystic effect, penetrating deep into the tissues.
How does it feel to have moxa? Moxa is a lovely, warming, relaxing treatment to have. Clients feel relaxed and warmer inside long after the treatment has finished.