Alternatives to Acupuncture in Chinese Medicine: Electro-acupuncture!
Hang on a sec - how is that an alternative to acupuncture? Ok yes, it is still an acupuncture treatment - but its so much more than that...
What exactly is electro-acupuncture? It is a modern adaptation of traditional acupuncture which has quickly been adopted into the world of Chinese Medicine over the 20th Century. Once the acupuncture needles are in place the practitioner attaches mini electrodes to 2 needles and passes a small current between them.
How does it work? The current further stimulates the acupoints (moreso than just the acupuncture needle) and the current flowing between the 2 points stimulates the muscles and nerves in that region. It is an excellent treatment for severe pain - particularly pain caused by trapped nerves.
Will I be electrocuted?! No, the current flowing through the electrodes is extremely small - just a few milli-amps. It is very safe and does not cause pain or injury.
What conditions is it used for? Electroacupuncture is the best treatment in TCM for severe pain caused by trapped nerves and muscle spasm. I use it for sciatica, severe neck pain, lower back pain, trapped intercostal nerves (around the ribcage). It can also be used to encourage healing following a stroke.
Nerve pain is notoriously painful and difficult to treat, but electroacupuncture produces excellent results in a short amount of time (between 1 and 4 treatments).