Hayfever is one of many troublesome conditions that acupuncture can treat. In Traditional Chinese Medicine hayfever is produced from an imbalance in the body in dependence upon the environment, and of course how susceptible the individual is to hayfever.
The symptoms can be dramatically reduced and even eliminated completely by acupuncture - in fact there are acupoints specifically to treat rhinitis and similar conditions.
Some people are cured after a single treatment, some need a course of acupuncture - but for most people 4 or 5 sessions of acupuncture are sufficient and give much-needed relief, with lasting effects.
Given the high pollen count this summer I decided to offer a reduced rate on acupuncture for hayfever - treatments are £45 instead of the usual £50. This offer will be available throughout June and July. If you have any questions feel free to give me a call.